Trademarks without question marks
Protect your brand from day one. We help small businesses like yours run affordable legal searches and prepare for trademark registration.
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“Leveling the playing field for small business owners”
“Effortless for the average business owner to use”
“Makes the trademark application process as simple as buying a domain name”
“Speedy, flawless trademark searches”
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Fast-track Amazon Brand Registry with Haloo and gain access to advanced seller features like product listings, advertising campaigns, and more in as little as a few days.
Build a brand you can truly own
Protect what you've invested
Small business owners spend on average $40K in their first year. That's not even accounting for the sleepless nights.
Set your brand up for success
Trademarks allow you to build brand equity, sell through distributors, and more. Trademarked companies tend to outperform those that aren't.
Run a thorough search
We make sure your brand can be legally protected with a comprehensive, AI-powered search engine built by attorneys.
Save your money and your time
With Haloo, you can avoid costly attorneys' fees and potential human errors. Plus, you get results back in under a minute.
“We saw so many small-business owners lose everything overnight because they had not registered a trademark. That’s why we have a passion for these protections and why we started Haloo.”
Julie MacDonell
CEO and Co-Founder, Haloo
from the IP Voices Podcast
Everything you need to be ready to file for $149
Save thousands in legal fees, with results in minutes
Trademark Search Report
Includes full, professional-quality search report ($2000 value)
Thoroughly verifies whether other companies are using your name, or legally infringing similar names
Flags identical trademarks, spelling variations, sound-alikes, translations of trademarks protected in other languages
Shows you personalized domains and social handle availability
Ready-to-file Application
Includes free, USPTO-compliant application you can file ($500 value)
Identifies the proper product/service categories and Nice classes
Removes all-too-common errors from your application
Provides step-by-step instructions for filing your application
Breaks down the costs associated so there are no surprises
We're here if you need a hand
Doing it yourself doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. If your search for a trademark shows that it's available, a member of our team can guide you through the filing process, step by step, for a $49 fee.
Companies with registered trademarks perform better and earn up to 20% more revenue. Why not give your small business a chance to be big?