More affordable than attorneys. Faster, too.


Your first Haloo trademark search report

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Additional Haloo trademark search reports

We're here if you need a hand

Doing it yourself doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. If your search for a trademark shows that it's available, a member of our team can guide you through the filing process, step by step, for a $49 fee.

For a small service fee, we can help you file.

Click below to book an appointment

Everything you need to be ready to file for $149

Save thousands in legal fees, with results in minutes

Trademark Search Report

Includes full, professional-quality search report ($2000 value)

Thoroughly verifies whether other companies are using your name, or legally infringing similar names

Flags identical trademarks, spelling variations, sound-alikes, translations of trademarks protected in other languages

Shows you personalized domains and social handle availability

Ready-to-file Application

Includes free, USPTO-compliant application you can file ($500 value)

Identifies the proper product/service categories and Nice classes

Removes all-too-common errors from your application

Provides step-by-step instructions for filing your application

Breaks down the costs associated so there are no surprises

File yourself, and save your money for your business

Law FirmBudget ServicesHaloo
Instant professional search
USPTO compliance guarantee
Backed by real USPTO examiners
First trademark search cost




Additional trademark search cost




Time to file




Time to Amazon Brand Registry




Government Filing Fees (separate, not included)

A note on government filing fees

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) charges additional fees when you file. These start at $250 per trademark application and may be more, depending on the complexity of your application. While these are paid directly to USPTO, we'll calculate them for you so there are no surprises.